3 Clever Ways To Make A Youtube Video Go Viral
Do you recall The World’s Funniest Animals TV series? Those are the kinds of videos that went viral in the past. With the arrival of social media and the surge in popularity of websites such as YouTube, viral videos began to emerge rapidly.
What exactly is a viral video?
So you’ve decided to create a viral Youtube video. To be more specific, what does that entail?
Its ability to spread rapidly throughout the Internet is what makes a social media video go viral. Any platform that allows users to upload and share videos has the potential to become a viral video. There will undoubtedly be a viral video on any given network, including TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.
A viral video can technically be created by anyone. However, achieving it is not an easy task. Stick around to find out the strategy behind what makes viral videos so effective, and possibly how you can create one yourself!
1.Create Funny Videos
The popularity of funny videos has multiplied exponentially since YouTube’s debut in 2015. In order to draw in customers, businesses have long sought to make their commercials humorous. So, what makes humorous videos so distinctive that marketers are integrating them into their online marketing campaigns?
(A) It Focus On Positive Emotional Response
The level of emotional response experienced by your Youtube channel viewers appears to be the single most important factor in determining whether or not a piece of information becomes viral. Viewers are more inclined to share content that evokes an emotional response or engagement. Content that elicits an emotional response, whether it is joy, surprise, nostalgia, or sadness resonates deeply with the audience. Perhaps this explains the success of emotion driven digital marketing initiatives.
Producing content that evokes emotions for your Youtube video naturally encourages people to share it with their friends, coworkers, or followers, which then spontaneously picks up steam and goes viral. Going viral typically works better when it appeals to positive emotions like pleasure or awe rather than negative emotions. This is because audiences who want to share something that made them feel happy or motivated often find fulfilment in positive emotions.
(B) Get Your Brand to Stand Out
It can be challenging to get into the online market with a newly launched product, especially on YouTube where there are already so many competitors. Even though your product will transform the lives of people throughout the world, it will go unnoticed if you simply stand before a camera and deliver the information. Humour is a fantastic approach to humanise your company and keep viewers interested in your YouTube video.
Having a member of the audience laugh at your Youtube video can be the deciding factor in whether they stick around to watch the rest of the video in what you have to offer. When your target audience is both entertained and feels you can relate to them, you’ve got a winning Youtube marketing video.
Humour does wonders in helping us accomplish the goals of our brand’s Youtube marketing videos. It makes Youtube marketing videos more interesting to watch and adds an element of sharing between your audiences’ social circle. Before customers even use your product, you have established trust with them through interactive Youtube videos.
Cadbury’s 30-second Youtube video is a brilliant example of an effective and humorous narrative that establishes an immediate and special bond between the viewer and the product. The idea of Cadbury’s Youtube video was to create suspense up until a specific moment and then dramatically transform the atmosphere with a humorous twist to complement their trademark, “Goodness That Melts Your Heart.” The video has received more than 1.7 million views.
2.Influencers As Part Of Viral Videos
In order to launch a viral video that is effective, it is essential to have content that is both eye-catching and innovative, as well as a strong hook that will entice viewers to check it out. If you want your viral content to go widespread, you may consider collaborating with influencers. By doing this, marketers can capitalize from the audience’s established trust in the influencer.
Using influencers to develop a viral marketing strategy is the best way to guarantee that your content will be widely shared because of their ability to attract thousands and even millions of followers on social media. Nevertheless, like with any influencer marketing initiatives, it is essential to select the most appropriate influencer personas. If you want your brand’s viral content to make an impact, you ought to find influencers who adhere to your brand core values.
(A) Why Working With Influencers Is A Good Idea
Influencers play a significant role in current online marketing strategies. Influencer marketing consists of endorsements for products and services by influencers with a good reputation in their niche fields. Some of the reasons to collaborate with influencers consist of:
(I) Boost Brand Loyalty And Trust
Influencer marketing is becoming increasingly popular among brands as a way to expand audience reach and raise brand awareness. Since influencers are recognised figures in their respective niche fields, their followers place a high degree of trust in them. As a result, influencers wield a significant amount of power to influence their followers. Their connection to their followers is one of respect and inspiration. This explains why people adhere to their advice and consider their insights. Customers are more likely to engage with your brand if your influencer marketing strategy appears more authentic and genuine.
The Maybelline Fit Me collection is all about finding the perfect color and composition to complement each individual’s unique skin tones and features. For the launch of their latest collection, Maybelline partnered with Mimi Lana for a promotional video on YouTube. The credibility and genuineness of the Youtube video serve as a true source of inspiration. More than one million individuals have viewed their YouTube video featuring Mimi Lana.
(II) Focus On Targeted Marketing
Businesses need to focus on their ideal target audiences in order to maximise their returns. One of the more perks of influencer marketing in particular is the opportunity to reach a specific target audience.
Running influencer marketing campaigns may enable your brand to grow your number of followers. With a larger followers base, marketing your products and services requires less budget and cuts down the amount of time spent on planning your online marketing initiative campaigns.
3.Set Up A Youtube Challenge
Taking part in YouTube Challenges is a great way to add some uniqueness to your channel. There is nothing more exciting than a competitive environment, achieving a challenging task, or just having a laugh while sharing it with your audience. One of the best things about YouTube challenges is that you may participate in them with anyone from your closest friends to your family members. There are a multitude of challenges to pick from, some of which may be undertaken alone, with friends, as well as in groups.
(A) What Is The Best YouTube Challenge?
The best YouTube challenge cannot be represented in a single definition. Basically anything can be turned into a YouTube challenge if a competitive element is added. YouTube challenges put creators against one another in an attempt to figure out a challenge, identify a solution and win a reward.
The possibility of making a challenge video go viral increases significantly if you collaborate with other YouTubers. Game challenges, for instance, are immensely popular in the YouTube community. You can participate in a variety of games with friends or other YouTubers in a multiplayer online mode. Unlike online games or regular sports, these games differ from these aspects. Most of these games revolve around having a good time with friends and family, such as the cookie race challenge, where participants place a cookie on their foreheads and try to get it down their mouths within a minute.It’s a fantastic method to draw in more viewers and keep them interested in a lively competition. For any Youtube challenge, remember to add a personalised experience to each one of them.
Blimey did an excellent job in creating a viral Youtube challenge video. The video featured several famous celebrity influencers such as Diana Danielle and Alvin Chong attempting the “spiciest Jjamppong in Korea’ challenge.
Muhsin Yunni hosted a challenge on YouTube called the Blind Food Tasting Challenge. Netizens were taken aback by the participants’ reaction in the viral video.They took on the challenge by tentatively tasting several beverage concoctions that were placed in a box.
Final Thoughts on Making A Youtube Video Go Viral
How then can you ensure that your video will become a viral hit? There is actually no one-size-fits-all method for making a video go viral. It can be challenging to predict whether or not your video will go viral due to the ever-changing Youtube algorithms.
Does this imply, however, you ought to abandon video marketing? Definitely not! In the digital marketing world,we shouldn’t be focusing all of our marketing efforts on making our content go viral. Viral videos may look great to attract a significant amount of interest. Nevertheless, does it actually draw in new subscribers? You should probably direct your attention here for this basic reason. Even if your follower community isn’t large, they’re the ones you need to bring onto your business. Afterall, they are the customers who will purchase your product and services.
Looking for more ideas? Reach out to us to learn more about the ways we help brands tailor their online campaigns.