5 Youtube Video Editing Mistakes To Avoid
Creating a professional YouTube video requires a balance of technical and creative abilities. To avoid falling behind in the market as a Youtuber, it’s critical to stay up to date on the latest trends and ideas. You may have spent hours building your YouTube channel and working hard to get people to love your videos. However, if a stagnant subscriber list has always been an issue for you, you may be unaware that you are making video editing mistakes on your YouTube channel. Want to learn more about the most common YouTube video editing mistakes? Continue reading to learn about the common mistakes that YouTubers make and how to avoid them.
Mistake 1: Poor Choice of Colour Tone
Blurry video uploads are a common issue on Youtube. Blurry videos can be caused by various reasons such as poor lighting, mismatched colour grading and low resolution. Perfect colour grading enables you to evoke a profound emotional impact with your viewers. The emotions evoked by a specific colour in a viewer match the words and sound appearing on a video.
Warmer colours make the audience feel more comfortable, whereas cooler colours create unsettling emotions in them. But, how do I get started? Colours have a strong emotional impact, which is why choosing the right colours to market your brand is important. Do you feel differently when you walk into a bright yellow room compared to a dim grey room? Knowing how to combine these two colour palettes is essential.
Mixing between warm and cool palettes, create a colourful and contrasting video clip. This is a video editing technique used by a well-known Youtuber, SaraBeautyCorner in her videos. The stunning colour contrast video clip has gained the channel 10.4 million subscribers.
Image courtesy Youtube: @SaraBeautyCorner
Mistake 2: Lack Of Planning
Video editing mistakes are bound to happen without a clear video editing strategy. Avoid over-editing the video as this can make it appear unnatural. Plan who your target audience is and the main message you want to convey to them before filming your video.
Incorrect Transitions Use
Transitions are an important part of your brand definition that you should not overlook. Many YouTubers make the error of using inappropriate transitions in their videos. A messy transition can completely derail the entire video. Remember to include appropriate transitions in the video’s required segments.Bad transitions can lead to a poor flow of the video, which your audience will not enjoy. When adding transitions between video clips, make sure you have good timing.
If the transition is too long, keep it subtle so that it appears natural. We all know that special effects and fancy transitions can make a video more interesting, but it’s best to keep a video simple and only include effects when absolutely necessary. We don’t want to overwhelm the audience with too many special effects.
Inconsistent Font Type and Size
Aside from transitions, text is essential in conveying a video’s message to the audience. it’s best to stick to one font style to keep the script readable. Text that is too small is unreadable, while text that is too large obscures important messages on the screen. Using the right font type and size can easily draw attention to your video. When compared to Serif fonts, Arial and Calibri are easier to read.
Another factor to consider is how long the text should be displayed on the screen. The time may differ depending on the video message. Leaving them on the screen for too long will annoy viewers, while leaving them on for too little time will leave viewers confused as to where the video is leading. We recommend that you show it to a friend who can watch your playback video and provide feedback on the text and visual duration.
Create Short Videos
Furthermore, short videos are known to increase viewership because people are more likely to skip watching videos that are longer than 2 minutes. As a result, making short videos for your YouTube campaign is highly recommended. Aveda, a hair care brand, conveys a consistent message to their audience through short video clips introducing their new products. Aveda also promotes their top Aveda products in their videos through YouTube vloggers. By featuring famous Youtube vloggers, the channel becomes one of the trending channels watched by consumers who emphasise on the importance of hair care.
Image courtesy Youtube: @Aveda
Mistake 3: Inconsistent In Posting Content
Many brands struggle with posting content on a regular basis in order to drive traffic to their websites. There are constantly millions of content being uploaded on the internet daily. Without consistent content release, increasing brand awareness will be difficult.The common misconception about a one-time video release campaign is that it will increase traffic. Unfortunately, that is not the case; only a consistent high quality stream video can produce good results.
Posting Irrelevant Content
You wouldn’t want to overwhelm your audience with the same boring posts all the time. After all, a high-quality video increases audience engagement. So, by providing valuable content, you can encourage your viewers to interact more with your content. Encourage them to leave a comment, like the video, or even better, share it with their friends and family.
Failure Responding to Comments (Or Not Fast Enough)
With hundreds or thousands of subscribers on YouTube, you may begin to wonder: Do I need to respond to audience comments? Responding to comments makes your audience feel more connected to your brand. How would you feel if you were the follower and your question was not answered? Do you feel unnoticed or ignored?
By being responsive, you demonstrate to your audience that feedback, whether positive or negative, is valuable to your business. As a result, it contributes to the expansion of brand engagement, which helps you stand out from your competitors.
How Many Videos To Post?
If you’re wondering how many videos you should create to get good results, there really are no hard and fast rules. Regular posting should be consistent with the vision of your marketing campaign. While customers are looking for credibility and trust in your brand through regular posting, this doesn’t mean you have to post daily. Some brands publish videos on a weekly basis, which is highly recommended.
We recommend having a solid schedule and don’t let time sit in between posts or you will risk losing your followers engagement. Inconsistency shows unprofessionalism which can turn your viewers away. A monthly release stream video may not be enough to increase brand awareness.
Vat19, a leading e-commerce company that specialises in one-of-a-kind gift ideas, uploads videos to their YouTube channel on a weekly basis. Their innovative video strategy for showcasing their products has gained them 8.35 million subscribers.
Image courtesy Youtube: @Vat19
Mistake 4: Poor Audio Issues
Always keep licensing and copyrights in mind when working on audio for your video clips. The last thing you want after putting in a lot of effort into a video is for it to be flagged down due to copyright issues. Sourcing royalty-free music allows you to play it safe and avoid having your YouTube videos removed.
Audio imbalances
Consistent audio with your videos will keep your viewers engaged in the storyline. Music, audio clips, and voice over are examples of audio components. To ensure that the voice over is loud and clear, keep the background song volume low so that it does not overpower the other audio components. Trust us, nobody wants to watch a video with overlapping audio imbalances. When there is an audio imbalance, always remember to adjust the sound effects so that the music and video blend together.
Unnecessary Background Noise
Noise disruption can occur at any point in a video. Unnecessary noises will only disrupt your video and make it uninteresting. We are fortunate that many video editing programmes come with a built-in feature to eliminate or reduce background noise from a video clip. The trick is to narrow the frequency range to eliminate the buzz sound, resulting in a noise-free video.
Sunsilk recently launched the #TimeToShine campaign to promote their new shampoo in collaboration with the rising girl group, Dolla. The video message, which featured upbeat music and depicted girl empowerment, received 2.3 million views.
Sunsilk partnership with Dolla. Image courtesy Youtube: @Sunsilk Malaysia
Mistake 5: Misconception About Youtube Algorithm
The YouTube algorithm is a powerful tool that determines your channel’s visibility on YouTube. It is made up of a set of computer instructions that are programmed to rank videos based on viewer ratings and the number of times they have been watched. The YouTube algorithm, like other social media sites, is constantly evolving, making it difficult to understand how it works. The ever-changing YouTube algorithm has a significant impact on how audiences discover their favourite YouTube videos.
Criteria such as keyword usage and video performance can propel your video to the top of search results. The trick is to optimise the keywords used and test the video’s performance. When viewers enjoy your video content and more people search for the keywords you used, your video will appear near the top of YouTube searches. Hence, pay attention to the keywords used in the title, description and content of your video. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different keywords; it won’t hurt your channel’s ranking. Don’t worry, we won’t judge you for it. After all, some things require trial and error before they are perfected.
It takes time to build a YouTube channel. With only one or three videos, a channel will struggle to gain popularity. Upload videos on a regular basis to gain popularity and learn from top YouTubers in your niche. They are, after all, excellent case studies for your marketing campaign. Hopefully, you’ll be able to make videos that sound and look good using these tips. Finally, to make your video look professional, avoid the common video editing mistakes. Want to ensure that your YouTube channel videos are flawless in your next marketing campaign?
We would be delighted to speak with you and discuss your options.