Online Campaign: 3 Important Tips in Digital Marketing
The rise of modern technology and the existence of the Internet plays a significant role for businesses by creating opportunities to grow and expand widely, locally or even internationally. For instance, the digitalization world helps in doing research of consumer needs and wants, creating an accessible method to communicate with everyone and necessarily attract more potential clients by using effective digital marketing such as organising online campaign.
Digital marketing, also known as online marketing, is a component of marketing strategy that uses Internet and digital platforms as a tool to reach potential consumers and to promote the brand itself. Today, digital marketing is essential for a business regardless of the nature of a business. There are many types of digital marketing that can be used to boost a business such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing, Marketing Analytic, Paid Search and this also includes Digital Marketing Campaign. Click here for the services!
As most of us might already know, a digital marketing campaign is a campaign conducted online with a target to drive engagement, increase sales, create brand awareness or create a sense of urgency. Majority companies have executed an online campaign, especially since the COVID-19 occurs, as it gives benefits to them. But “What makes a successful digital marketing campaign?” you might ask.
These are 3 important tips a digital marketing agency/company should pay attention to when creating an online campaign:
1. Set up your goals
Setting up goals is common whenever we want to do something either for business, work, studies or even for life as a whole. But how often do we actually set goals and how often do we revisit the list? Always check on the list of your goals because then only you will find out what you have achieved, where you want to be, what is the next step and how can you improve. If goals are not set, you will end up wasting your time and not achieving anything.
Here’s how you can start setting your goals:
a) Purpose of the online campaign
The most important step before you start something is, you need to ask yourself the purpose of why you are doing it. When you have a sense of purpose, it will definitely increase your hope and confidence. Therefore, knowing the purpose of an online campaign is vital. There are many purposes including launching a new product, raising brand awareness, encouraging potential consumers to make a purchase or old consumers to repeat orders.
b) Set up a broad goal
Brainstorm the goals broadly without using any data. Simply list it down as much as possible whatever that your company would want to achieve. Then, go through it again one by one, remove irrelevant goals and combine the similar ones. By doing so, you will be able to see your goals clearly and make it easier for you to accomplish it.
c) Set metric and time frame to monitor the progress of the digital marketing campaign
To ensure that the goals set up earlier can be accomplished, the company should pay attention to the progress and performance. How? By setting up the metric and time frame. These two will track and provide data as it can let you know if your online campaign is on the right path or needs any improvement.
d) Know your audience
Based on your products or services that you offer, you need to determine who you want to target as your audience, identify their needs and analyze how your product or service can benefit the needs of your customers. This is where digital tools are used to conduct market research that help you to get data from a larger sample of your target audience, removing bias and preconceptions in the business industry. Collect information about your customers like their age, gender, buying behavior as well as communication style. This will help you to decide the message and tone to use when conducting an online campaign.
e) Competitor analysis
Apart from your customers, understanding and analyzing your competitors are also an advantage to ensure a successful online campaign. Take this opportunity and make use of all accessible tools and platforms provided to study your competitor’s marketing strategy. This is the key to a knowledge of how your current and potential customers rate the competition, how you can develop marketing strategy and produce a concept of what makes your company stand out from the other competitors.
2. Set up your budget
Setting up a budget is a critical element when planning an online campaign as it requires a proper strategy. If the budget is not well-planned, everything else will turn into a waste. But setting a realistic budget could result in a successful campaign by saving time, avoiding spending too much, allowing your brand to market the online campaign through various techniques and gaining positive feedback. On top of that, digital marketing campaigns can be less expensive compared to traditional campaigns where it will cost you more on printing ads, broadcasting, telemarketing and direct mail.
Conducting an online campaign will require you to create a goal, identify your target audience and social media planning. Therefore, a brand should consider hiring a social media agency to help manage an online campaign effectively because they are more experienced and they know what they are doing.
A social media agency is a team full with people that have their own expertise such as content, copywriting and graphic design. Whether you want to increase sales, create brand awareness or both, they will do it all for you by brainstorming their creative ideas to put into action for a good outcome. This is much easier and convenient for your brand as you may focus on other important things.
Yes, running an online campaign will cost you less but there are several things that you need to spend on because depending solely on social media might not be effective. It includes:
Online Ads
- Doing ads for your campaign helps in informing people about the launch of a new product for example and you may also reach a wider audience which is good for your brand to create awareness. It is not free but you can create successful ads if you set it correctly. Click here if you wish your ads to go online effectively!
Engage with KOLs
- KOL is useful in identifying and reaching your target audience. Provide them PR Kits of your new products for them to try it out and review it by doing content. The content involves creative photography and writing captions for their review. Some KOLs with high engagement and followers do not accept product-for-post. Therefore, we will have to allocate a budget for collaboration purposes. Click here to engage with your desirable KOLs!
3. Take advantage of social media
With just social media, it can increase your sales, allow you to reach targeted audiences, attract more potential customers, create brand awareness as well as brand loyalty. Social media really helps in assisting an online campaign. Every business should be familiar by now on how they can utilize the free social media such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and TikTok as marketing channels.
a) Low-cost content drives engagement
Although your business does not have a big budget, online campaigns allow you to use SEO and social media platforms which are proven to be free or low-cost. When you own a business, you should be aware that social media is one of the most effective marketing platforms available. Business trends thrive on a daily basis and you need to keep up with those changes. Hence, social media is a necessary tool for business owners to create brand awareness, attract new and existing customers, perform market research, launch new products and a lot more.
Seeing that social media is used widely, a well-designed social media will automatically attract more customers. People can visit and browse your products on your social media or website, just like they can in a physical store. They can browse from anywhere at any time, which is incredibly convenient for them. Social media reveals a lot about your business information and its trustworthiness. Thus, remember to use relevant hashtags, create creative content based on trending topics and join community groups so that people may find you easily.
b) Increase engagement by creating user-generated content
User-generated content is an unpaid post on social media that people share when they are using a product or service. For example, there is someone on TikTok sharing a video of their eating experience at a café. That is considered as user-generated content. Therefore, a company or brand should be engaging more with customers by commenting on their post, repost when customers tag them on social media or create content that can drive people to retweet or share. This kind of customer interaction is key to a successful online campaign.
c) Influencer or content creator
Influencer is also a key role for business’s use. They are known as influential people who attract attention and encourage participation in a digital community that helps to recommend your products or services. Influencer or also known as content creator has grown from a small scale to global since the rise of social media platforms. You should make full use of this because influencers have already established relationships and trust with their pre-existing followers. This trust can trickle down to your brand, which the influencer’s followers may engage with, making it easy for you to reach your ultimate objective. Hence, reaching out to an influencer marketing agency to maintain a good bond with influencers will benefit your business.
Marketing campaign brand advertisement business strategy. Getty Images/iStockphoto
Conclusively, an online campaign is key to today’s marketing strategy. If you want your business to grow and have successful marketing, you must expose your brand to a larger audience. Online marketing may be intimidating at first but once you learn more about it, you’ll find that it has a lot of potential to help your business grow. Bear in mind it takes hard work to achieve something important.
If you are interested in growing your brand and conducting a successful online campaign, talk to us today! We will do the hard work for you!