influencer marketing for a red car, model leaning on the car in front of a gas station

Influencer Marketing: 11 Game-Changing Quotes That Prove How Important Influencers Are

influencer, the word influencer spelled out using scrabble pieces

Who are influencers? Not just celebrities but also bloggers, industry experts, thought leaders and speakers, those popular on social media, and even your own customers (they’re called ‘nano-influencers’)

Also known as key opinion leaders (KOLs), influencers are those with the ability to influence other people to buy a product or service. Put simply, influencers help promote and recommend brands. Marketing refers to any activity or process that involves convincing people to buy a product or service, and social media marketing is very popular today. Influencer marketing is a type of social media marketing in which influencers advocate for products or services related to their field of influence by engaging and communicating with a brand’s target audience.


In addition to enhancing brand communication, influencers can enhance your brand awareness, brand identity, brand loyalty, and brand engagement.


If you’re wondering where to find influencers to endorse your brand, it’s a good idea to consult with social media marketing agencies, as most agencies maintain a diverse list of influencers to suit any brand. Agencies do not only help with matching you with influencers but are also more than capable of handling your influencer marketing campaigns, ensuring everything’s perfect— from content strategy (such as giveaways, interviews, product reviews, and narrative videos) to tracking and analyzing results of your influencer marketing campaign.


Whichever agency you choose to handle your influencer marketing, make sure these 5 elements are involved:

  • A dedicated influencer manager is assigned to learn about your business in order to develop an executable campaign strategy
  • Research, influencer proposal, budget negotiation, monitoring, and tracking of the entire campaign process are considered during the development of the campaign strategy
  • The developed campaign strategy is presented to you to be reviewed and approved before being executed
  • Influencers’ activities are monitored and optimized daily
  • Campaign performance reports that feature key insights are prepared to communicate how your future campaigns can be improved

    At Tinker Society, we keep those 5 elements close to our hearts throughout the process of amplifying your brand story using influencers.


Since you’ve made it this far, we’re sharing these irreplaceable Influencer Marketing quotes with you, to take away and think about:


  • “Influencers who get it right are often those who separate marketing content from their generic content and present it for what it is. Your generic content, and your respect and empathy towards your audience, is building a great store of goodwill amongst your followers that you can then draw from when you do business with them.” (Jonathan Jadali,
  • “…Influencer marketing is all about making a genuine connection. When we make people feel connected with the influencer, they often make a purchase, which in turn multiplies sales because they spread the word, also burgeoning word-of-mouth marketing.” (Dr. Somdutta Singh, Forbes)
  • “…influencer marketing ideas aren’t set in stone or required to meet certain criteria. They are all flexible and meant to be general ideas for what you can do with your influencer marketing strategy.” (Kim Kosaka, Alexa)
  • “Once you have an idea about your goals and the type of influencer marketing strategy you want to implement, you still aren’t ready to start looking for influencers. Before you can identify who will help you connect with your target audience, you need to know who your target audience is.” (Kim Kosaka, Alexa)
  • “It’s better to work with an influencer who has a smaller audience that closely matches your ideal market than to work with an influencer who has a very large audience that doesn’t include your ideal customers. So don’t qualify influencers based solely on the size of their audience. Pay closer attention to if they have the right audience you want to reach.” (Kim Kosaka, Alexa)
  • “Compare the results from influencer marketing against your results from other marketing channels to determine if influencer marketing has an ROI worth continuing.” (Sujan Patel, Big Commerce)
  • “A critical component of an effective influencer marketing campaign is establishing a trusted relationship with a relevant influencer, one who’s in tune with your audience’s needs and desires and whom your audience will look to when they’re making purchase decisions.” (Sujan Patel, Big Commerce)
  • “To find the right fit between brand and influencer, you’ve got to find someone who is aligned with your brand’s vision, mission, and identity.” (Sujan Patel, Big Commerce)
  • “…the larger the influencer, the lower the engagement. Those with 1,000 followers typically receive likes on their posts 8% of the time, while those with 10 million followers generally receive likes just 1.6% of the time.” (Sujan Patel, Big Commerce)
  • “Some influencers are perfectly happy with receiving gifts or free and exclusive products they can showcase on their platform. Others prefer to work on an affiliate basis, receiving a commission for any products or services sold from their referrals. However, a one-time fee or ongoing monthly fee is quickly becoming the norm.” (Sujan Patel, Big Commerce)
  • “The great thing about influencer marketing is that you can kill three birds with one stone – create great content, earn credibility, and gain exposure through the influencer’s network.” (Anand Kansal, Outgrow)

If you’d like to see your brand grow tremendously using influencer marketing, talk to us today so that we can start collaborating.