3 How to Increase Brand Awareness on TikTok
TikTok has now become one of the most effective platforms to increase brand awareness whereas other social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook also can access the content idea on TikTok. That is why people tend to explore TikTok before starting up their brand’s social media content on Instagram and Facebook.
Besides, TikTok users aim to get viral for their content, that is why brands involve TikTok as one of their platforms to not only increase brand awareness, also to expand their exposure and market. Along with in-app functionalities, extra edits, and additions are able to grab people’s attention and conversion. For instance, customized filters or music tracks can easily attract the attention of the target audience.
Here are some tips to make your brand big on TikTok:
“For You” page
The “For You” page on TikTok is like the “Explore” page on Instagram. It is the center where most of the users spend more of their time watching content creators’ content, which is the suggested content by Tiktok according to the genre of content that they have viewed and liked in the past. This is due to TikTok’s algorithm will present content that the users might be interested in by recognizing the videos that users watched or liked previously.
Each user’s “For You” page is personalized, specifically tailored to every individual’s interest and behavior, which means that every user’s “For You” page is different. It is like the main page on TikTok, users will see TikTok labels “For You” when they open the TikTok app, and bulks of content will be presented. If your brand’s content appears on someone’s “For You” page, it indicated that TikTok verified your content as high quality over other competitors. That is how it can gain recognition and expose your content to a wider audience.
Well, you must be asking – how to get on the “For You” page?
- Interaction and Engagement – Interactions such as content you like, share or create, accounts you follow, and comments you post. On the other hand, engaging with the audience such as writing captions that are true and relevant to the content, also keep it short and sweet as for social media posts, less is more. For example, “Watch till the end” or “Contact us now” has been useful one used by content creators to achieve their objectives. Click here to get interact with your target audience and increase brand engagement.
- Hashtags – Hashtags have been a good tool in any social media platform where users can easily search up any content they would like to view. On TikTok, #tiktok is the most used hashtag which able to gain the most engagement, and #foryou, #FYP, or #foryoupage are the general hashtags that the content creators will involve in the caption for their content. Other hashtags related to your content can increase brand awareness as well such as using skincare-related hashtags – #skincare, #beauty, or #skincareroutine if your brand is about skincare. Customized hashtags can be created as well according to the campaign’s theme and product category. Click here for customizing hashtags for your brand.
- Video Information – Information about the video including captions, sounds, and hashtags. This is because when the sounds (music/ song) or hashtags are on the rank of trending, your video can easily appear on someone’s “For You” page as the users are more likely to be interested in and explore more content with the sounds and hashtags attached.
Trending Challenge
TikTok can easily make content viral, it can make your TikTok Challenge viral as well! There is plenty of room for brands to create a new form of a campaign built around a TikTok challenge, which can be either organic or sponsored. The content of a TikTok challenge usually consists of three elements: text, sound, and movement in a TikTok Challenge video.
TikTok also offers wide options of sounds that able to choose from as well as customized sounds. If you realized that there are few contents with the same sounds or movement or even the same specific hashtag in the caption that keeps appearing on your page, they are most probably the TikTok Challenge that successfully went viral. Also, the texts involved are easy to understand, sounds are easily remembered (brainwashing), and also the movement is a simple and short choreograph that people can easily catch up on which able to push the TikTok Challenge to the rank.
In order to increase brand awareness and expand your brand with expanding exposure to more approachable, brands can start their TikTok Challenge with these steps:
1. Plan your TikTok Challenge campaign
You can consider running a TikTok content creator marketing campaign by collaborating with well-known TikTok content creators and KOLs that are active on the app and gained many followers and engagements. Besides, turning TikTok Challenge into a contest can attract attention, such as giving away prizes can increase engagement with the brand by requiring the audience to post TikTok Challenge content on their account with the required hashtags as an entry method. Click here for influencer management to engage with your brand.
2. Plan your TikTok Challenge content
What sound should be used? What movements should be involved? When the sound and movements are interesting and easy to be learned, the audience will tend to imitate the reference provided by the brand and engage with the TikTok challenge. Along with that, not only can increase brand awareness and the brand exposure be expanded, but the sales can be driven simultaneously.
3. Create brand’s unique hashtags
Customized unique hashtags that are correlated with the content and your brand so that when the audience first sees the hashtag, they will know it is what brand or product they are engaging with. For example, Samsung – #GalaxyA or Ralph Lauren – #WinningRL.
The hashtag – #GalaxyA has been gaining up to 1.7B views worldwide.
4. Publish and Promote it
When you’ve done the steps above, you are ready to publish your brand’s TikTok Challenge with the best reference specifically created! By collaborating with TikTok content creators or turning it into a contest, the TikTok Challenge can also be promoted on other social media platforms, as known as cross-promote to reach out to a different set of audiences and captivate more engagement.
Photo by Marketing Interactive
Pay for Advertising
TikTok has an advertising system that allows brands to approach massive target audiences on the platform. It is accessible and effective to build campaigns that consist of the objectives of gaining engagement with audiences online. Paid advertisement on TikTok not only assists in the success of setting up a campaign, original content creation but is also able to track analytics and statistics.
There are three main types of advertising on TikTok:
- In-Feed Ads – It is one of the most common advertising formats on TikTok. The ads will appear on the feed while users are scrolling through the “For You” page. They are presented in full-screen, sound on which the users will easily engage with and watch it.
- Hashtag Challenge Ads – Where you can find other videos of the contents in the specific TikTok Challenge with the branded hashtags involved. When the users are attached to the hashtag challenge ads and click on them, they will be directed to that particular TikTok Challenge page where they can find out the description and how to join the TikTok Challenge.
- Top-View ads – This will appear at the top of the “For You” page. This advertising format, it will easily capture the attention of the audience before scrolling through other content in their feed. It can not only create a high number of reach and engagement with long-lasting impressions.
Last but not least, TikTok has been a good platform for brands to connect with their audiences through interesting content. Although the methods above may require lots of effort and cost, it is worth paying off in terms on increase brand awareness to expand brand recognition and increase not only exposure but also engagement. There are many brands nowadays that are starting their interaction on TikTok as well as there are many brands as amazing examples too.
Wanted to expand your brand on Tiktok, link with Tinker now!