Landing Page Lesson: 6 Groundbreaking Tips for a Remarkable Landing Page
If you’re part of the online marketing business, you’d definitely know what a landing page is. If not, read on to learn something useful today.
Although landing pages look like websites, they’re different from a website— a landing page’s sole purpose is to help you win and nurture leads, and thus has a very specific target audience and a very obvious call to action. Due to this sole purpose, landing pages must be simpler and more attention-seeking, aiming to capture their target audience’s information as part of a marketing campaign. In short, by having people “sign up” or “join now”, landing pages try to earn themselves potential customers, to whom they will also feed their marketing emails, blog articles, newsletters, e-books, and online advertisements. Another name for a landing page is a microsite.
A landing page that works is this one by Lyft. That’s because as you land on their landing page, you know exactly what to do— because they keep their instructions simple and they ask you to take action right on the spot. Never fill up your landing page with words just because you have so many important things to say, as doing so would only defeat the purpose of a landing page.
Do you know what else it takes to create a landing page that helps you capture leads? Lucky for you, in this quick and easy read, you’ll receive 7 ground-breaking tips for a lead-generating landing page.
Tip 1: CTA button stands out
Landing pages are about making people want to grab what you have to offer, which means you have to use headlines that work and call-to-actions (CTAs) that speak to the audience. Headlines are the biggest words on your landing page and CTAs are any phrases that encourage the audience to respond by acting a certain way, whether it’s to subscribe or to buy. Most often, headlines are written in the form of CTAs, and on top of that, additional CTAs are written below them. Take Uber’s landing page as an example:
The CTA on Uber’s landing page stands out by being dark, in contrast to the white and light brown background colors.
In addition, ensure headlines and CTAs are written in bright and big letters, different from the rest of your copy that’s on the landing page. If you notice, the “Order Now” button on Uber’s page is attractively black, whereas everything else around it have light color tones.
Make your headlines and CTA stand out even more by understanding what white space is. Put simply, white space refers to any part of your landing page that’s left bare, empty, and unmarked—any space that’s in between words, images, columns and other elements of a landing page. Always factor in white space when designing the position of words and images on a landing page, as doing so definitely makes or breaks a landing page.
Another awesome example of white space being used amazingly is Tinker Society’s landing page. As a user, your eyes are directed towards the “Get Started” button due to its color but also due to the fact that other parts of the page are left untouched. Again, we cannot reinforce the powerful effect of white space on directing your target audience’s eyes.
Tip 2: Use join or sign up for “free”
Not many landing page creators actually pay attention to the fact that the word “free” makes a big difference, which means that if you do so, you will stand out. Instead of having your bright CTA button say “sign up now” or “join us instantly”, why not write “join us now for free”?
Another tip about CTAs: get creative and phrase your CTAs in other ways that convey what your target audience should do and what they can get. For instance, instead of “sign up now”, why not say “Become a Driver Now” (if you’re like Uber or Lyft) or “Start Learning Now” (if you’re an education company!).
If your business offers educational courses, instead of “Sign up now”, why not make your CTA button say “Start Learning now”?
Tip 3: Great headline and copy
Don’t underestimate the significance of other words besides the headline and CTA. Typically, these words are located under the headline of your landing page and help reinforce what the headline is saying. For example, if the headline of a dating website is “Learn How to Get More Dates Instantly”, the remaining copy can be “Get one-on-one coaching with our trained relationship experts…Package includes a) Five Essential Books for Relationship Growth b) Access to Our 100 Video Collection c) Tickets to 3 Relationship Success Workshops”. In short, the rest of the copy further convinces your target audience that they should in fact subscribe to learn how to get more dates instantly.
Tip 4: Include social proof
Social proof helps people develop trust in your brand, so be sure to add testimonials.
All awesome landing pages must have testimonials because with reviews (that are positive!), people will naturally feel that their decision to subscribe or register is…a good one. After all, we are social creatures who prefer following the crowd and who feel better about doing something if others are doing that same thing too.
Another great tip: If possible, include photos of friendly and smiley people to make your reviews and testimonials sound extra real.
Tip 5: Lead-capture forms
Asking for a person’s name and email is a common way of getting hold of their personal information through your landing page. In some instances, you can simply ask for phone numbers. Whatever type of personal information you ask for, remember that it’s best to ask for just one key piece of information— or if you really must stick to two. Tinker Society’s website does just that, and they also keep the boxes small so that white space remains dominant.
White space remains a great design strategy.
Tip 6: Combine design with marketing science
Ultimately, landing pages are a mix of marketing strategy and art. It’s important that people feel compelled to click on your CTA, so everything matters— the words on the landing page (the message communicated), how much white space there is, and how the overall landing page looks. And always, always, always provide at least three reasons as to why people should click, subscribe, register, join, or purchase.
And this marks the end of our landing page tutorial for today. If you’re curious to learn about landing pages, we suggest that you read about SEO for landing pages since SEO actually applies to so much more than just blog articles! Focus on SEO, in which the first step of SEO is to determine the keywords for your landing page. Another challenge that landing page creators often stumble upon is how to speed up a landing page that loads very slowly, so here’s a helpful article about how to fix your landing page load time.
If you’re still wondering how to create a landing page for your brand, or how to optimize a landing page for google ads, send Tinker Society a message or call us at (+60)3 9765 3650. We can’t wait to hear what you have to share. You might also be interested in our list of 8 irresistible cat commercials to watch.